sandra barfield multifamily innovation council

Multifamily Innovation® Council Welcomes Sandra Barfield, Leading the Charge in Operational Efficiency and Automation

Scottsdale, Arizona – April 2, 2024 — The Multifamily Innovation® Council, an executive membership organization dedicated to the intersection of leadership, technology, AI, and innovation within the multifamily industry, proudly announces the admission of Sandra Barfield to its executive level membership. With a rich 36-year track record in multifamily leadership, and her current pivotal role as Senior Vice President of Shared Services and Corporate Marketing at PeakMade Real Estate, Barfield brings a wealth of experience and an intricate understanding of operational efficiencies to the Council.

“Sandra Barfield’s impressive background in multifamily operations and marketing, coupled with her passion for innovation and centralization, aligns seamlessly with our purpose,” states Patrick Antrim, Chairman of the Multifamily Innovation® Council and CEO of Multifamily Leadership. “Her insights into training, sales, and the execution of large-scale projects will be invaluable to our collaborative efforts to drive profitability and create superior experiences within the industry. We are certain that her contributions will enhance our collective knowledge and our capability to navigate the multitude of challenges within the multifamily landscape with confidence and innovation.”

Barfield’s career is marked by a history of substantial impact on training, sales, marketing, and national facilities management, including heading a traveling operations team and participating in risk & compliance, ERG, and operating procedures committees. With her strategic direction, numerous new projects have been successfully launched, not to mention her role in orchestrating the planning and execution of an influential annual leadership conference. These accomplishments, coupled with her role as the executive sponsor of the Innovation and Centralization Committee at PeakMade, spotlight her strong commitment to enhancing operational workflows through smart automation, without compromising the client’s journey.

“As our industry continues to evolve, I am thrilled to join the Multifamily Innovation® Council and look forward to learning more and collaborating with my industry peers about new approaches to our business,” shares Barfield. Her enthusiasm to merge her extensive multifamily knowledge with this forward-thinking community signals the start of an exciting new era in meeting both the current and future needs of the multifamily industry.

The Multifamily Innovation® Council is built on a foundation of innovation that directly benefits business outcomes, enabling a support system that elevates member experience and sustains robust demand for their companies. The organization values results and collaboration, striving to unlock value for leaders in the multifamily business and facilitate profitability within their companies.

The Council welcomes Sandra Barfield and is confident her expertise in managing diverse teams and her reputation as an avid innovator will significantly contribute to the Council’s ongoing mission to empower industry executives. With her addition, the Council fortifies its trajectory towards yielding heightened abilities to manage uncertainty, bolster profitability, and advance competitiveness in the multifamily landscape.

About Multifamily Innovation® Council:
The Multifamily Innovation® Council is an executive level membership organization dedicated to the pursuit of the profitable Multifamily Company. We are uniquely positioned to focus on the intersection of Technology, AI, Innovation, and Leadership.The Multifamily Innovation® Advisory Council serves as a hub for visionary leaders committed to shaping the future of the multifamily industry. 

For more information, visit

Media Contact: 

Patrick Antrim
Chairman, Multifamily Innovation® Council

The Multifamily AI Summit Is Here

Prepare to mark your calendars and join the revolution at the cutting edge of technology and Multifamily Real Estate as I, Patrick Antrim, unveil the game-changing Multifamily Innovation® AI Summit.

Imagine an industry where artificial intelligence propels profitability and productivity to unprecedented heights – that’s the future we’re crafting at the Multifamily Innovation® Council.

Throughout this episode, I share electrifying details about how our upcoming December event will merge AI effortlessly into the multifamily company, enhancing not only business outcomes but also enriching employee and customer experiences.

As we walk through the council’s commitment to leadership and innovation, you’ll learn how our regular gatherings, webinars, and podcasts keep the pulse of transformation alive year-round.

This is more than just an announcement; it’s an exclusive invitation to a trailblazing congregation of AI enthusiasts and innovators.

If your heart beats for AI, whether you’re taking your first steps or are in the midst of product development, this segment signals a pivotal moment for your involvement.

The Multifamily Innovation® AI Summit isn’t just an event; it’s an opportunity to be at the forefront of an industry evolution, shaping the future of multifamily living. 

By joining this focused summit, you’ll be aligning with stakeholders who prioritize technology as a tool for progress, all while we dissect the challenges at hand and explore technological solutions that put you ahead in the AI revolution.


Patrick Antrim:
Multifamily Innovation® Council:
Multifamily Innovation® Summit:
Multifamily Women®:

Digital Rent Collection: Strategies and Insights for Apartment Owners

In this episode of the Multifamily Innovation® Show, Patrick Antrim talks with Mark Peters, the President of Zego.

Mark previously was the head of finance, payment operations, and business systems departments and has over 10 years of finance experience in the high-tech and payments space, resulting in an IPO and multiple positive exits.

Patrick and Mark discuss their thoughts on macro and micro economic factors that multifamily owners, operators, and investors are having to deal with today.

Topics covered:
  • Trends in rent collections and various payment types at multifamily properties.
  • Digital adoption in the multifamily industry, especially with regard to payment operations and business systems.
  • Legal and economic challenges with multifamily rent payments.
  • What you might not know about the most costly payment option and the risks associated with it.
  • Digital-first experiences and paperless offices.
  • Questions multifamily owners and operators should be asking partners like Zego.
  • Much more!
Mark Peters:
Patrick Antrim: Involved:
Attend/Sponsor the Multifamily Innovation® Summit:
Join the Multifamily Innovation® Council:
Submit for a Multifamily Innovation® Award:
Attend/Sponsor the Multifamily Women® Summit:

Introducing New Products in a World of Rising Costs

Meeting Recap: Multifamily Innovation® Advisory Council

The Multifamily Innovation® Advisory Council now has over 1.5 million apartment units being represented. The council is on track to grow to north of 3 million units by end of year, with a focus of being the catalyst for innovation, through delivering insight to leaders across the industry.

This show is where we report back key trends and findings from within these meetings so that the industry can advance and build technologies that knock down problems or create bigger and better futures for Multifamily companies.

A Multifamily Companies ability to innovate is a key factor for sustained growth, economic viability, increased well-being, and the development of communities.

Multifamily Innovation® Advisory Council Recap – Formal Launch

Join us for a recap of the Multifamily Innovation® Advisory Council meeting.

The Multifamily Innovation® Advisory Council announced today its formal launch with over 1.5 million apartment units being represented. The council is on track to grow to north of 3 million units by end of year, with a focus of being the catalyst for innovation, through delivering insight to
leaders across the industry.

This show is where we report back key trends and findings from within these meetings so that the industry can advance and build technologies that knock down problems or create bigger and better futures for Multifamily companies.

A Multifamily Companies ability to innovate is a key factor for sustained growth, economic viability, increased well-being, and the development of communities.

The innovation capabilities of the operations include the ability to understand and respond to changing…